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This article is dedicated to users with Leader Elite or Leader accounts.


How Can I Delete Members From My Company

Currently, it is not possible to 'Delete' active members from your companies.

An active member is someone with an active Back On Stage profile who received and accepted an invitation from you to join your company (band).

However, you can delete member invitations if the member has not yet accepted your invitation. To delete a user invitation, simply go to the Invite New Member Page of the company you wish to modify, then scroll down until you see "Invited Members List". Click the 'Actions' button next to the user you want to delete and select "Delete User".


Why Can't I Delete Active Members From My Company?

Once a member has been activated (they 'accepted' your invitation) inside your company, all sorts of magical things happen:

Deleting a member would mean that all of the above items that were created for and attached to that member would also have to be deleted.

Imagine a situation where a new administrator of your company accidently deletes a member and suddenly all the records of payouts to that member and all their past invoices suddenly vanish. How would you file your taxes at the end of the year? All your income and expense reports for any gigs that involved that member would be all messed up. Not cool!