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This article is dedicated to users with Leader Elite or Leader accounts.


Venmo is a payment service owned by PayPal that operates exclusively in the United States. If you live in the United States, you can use your PayPal business account to send Venmo payouts through your Back On Stage account to anyone that you hire for gigs.

Getting set up to pay your subcontractors with Venmo is a 3-step process:

  1. Connect your PayPal account to Back On Stage
  2. Have your subcontractors select "Venmo" as their preferred payout provider
  3. Send payouts via Venmo

1. Connect your PayPal account to Back On Stage

To begin, you will first need to ensure that you have a business PayPal account. You can register for one at PayPal.com.

Once your business PayPal account is set up, link it to your Back On Stage account by following these steps:

  1. Link your PayPal account to Back On Stage
  2. Test Your PayPal Integration
  3. Solve any errors using our troubleshooting guide

Why do you need to connect PayPal?

Venmo payouts you send from Back On Stage are funded from your PayPal account. PayPal owns Venmo, so the two system share the same payouts architecture. As a company (payer), you DO NOT need to connect your Venmo account to Back On Stage for any part of this process as your Venmo account is not used as the funding source for your payouts to other Venmo accounts.